This is a list with the following elements:
A list with the three elements described above.
`umis` - a matrix, containing ~1.5K metacells (rows), and for each one, the UMI count (# of detected RNA molecules) for each of ~600 different "feature" genes (columns).
`types` - a vector of cell type names assigned to each metacell using a supervised analysis pipeline.
`umap` - a matrix with 2 columns containing 2D UMAP x,y coordinates for each metacell.
fractions <- pbmc$umis / rowSums(pbmc$umis)
log_fractions <- log2(fractions + 1e-5)
type_colors <- chameleon::data_colors(log_fractions, group=pbmc$types)
plot(pbmc$umap, col=type_colors[pbmc$types], pch=19, cex=0.6)
legend('topleft', legend=names(type_colors), col=type_colors, lty=1, lwd=3, cex=0.8)