Get available UKBB labs



A data frame with the available UKBB labs.


#>                   short_name                                        long_name
#> 1                        WBC                          White Blood Cells (WBC)
#> 2                        RBC                            Red Blood Cells (RBC)
#> 3                 Hemoglobin                                       Hemoglobin
#> 4                 Hematocrit                                       Hematocrit
#> 5                  Platelets                                        Platelets
#> 6                        MCV                    Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV)
#> 7                        MCH                Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin (MCH)
#> 8                       MCHC Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration (MCHC)
#> 9                        RDW                Red cell Distribution Width (RDW)
#> 10                       MPV                       Mean Platelet Volume (MPV)
#> 11                   Albumin                                          Albumin
#> 12         Total Cholesterol                                Total Cholesterol
#> 13             Triglycerides                                    Triglycerides
#> 14                       BMI                            Body Mass Index (BMI)
#> 15                       PDW                Platelet Distribution Width (PDW)
#> 16                       PCT                              Procalcitonin (PCT)
#> 17          Lymphocytes, Abs                            Lymphocytes, Absolute
#> 18            Lymphocytes, %                                   Lymphocytes, %
#> 19          Neutrophils, Abs                            Neutrophils, Absolute
#> 20            Neutrophils, %                                   Neutrophils, %
#> 21            Monocytes, Abs                              Monocytes, Absolute
#> 22              Monocytes, %                                     Monocytes, %
#> 23          Eosinophils, Abs                            Eosinophils, Absolute
#> 24            Eosinophils, %                                   Eosinophils, %
#> 25            Basophils, Abs                              Basophils, Absolute
#> 26              Basophils, %                                     Basophils, %
#> 27                   Glucose                                 Glucose, Fasting
#> 28                      Urea                                             Urea
#> 29                Creatinine                                       Creatinine
#> 30                   Calcium                                          Calcium
#> 31                Phosphorus                                       Phosphorus
#> 32             Total Protein                                    Total Protein
#> 33           HDL Cholesterol                                  HDL Cholesterol
#> 34           LDL Cholesterol                                  LDL Cholesterol
#> 35          Alk. Phosphatase                        Alkaline Phosphatase (AP)
#> 36                       AST                 Aspartate aminotransferase (AST)
#> 37                       ALT                   Alanine aminotransferase (ALT)
#> 38                       GGT                  Gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT)
#> 39           Total Bilirubin                                  Total Bilirubin
#> 40          Direct Bilirubin                                 Direct Bilirubin
#> 41            Hemoglobin A1c                                   Hemoglobin A1c
#> 42         Vitamin D (25-OH)                            Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy
#> 43          Urine Creatinine                               Creatinine (Urine)
#> 44  Blood Pressure, Systolic                          Systolic Blood Pressure
#> 45 Blood Pressure, Diastolic                         Diastolic Blood Pressure
#> 46                       CRP                  C-Reactive Protein, Quant (CRP)
#> 47                 Estradiol                                   Estradiol (E2)
#> 48                      NRBC                 Nucleated Red Blood Cells (NRBC)
#>    ukbb_code ukbb_units
#> 1      30000   x10E3/uL
#> 2      30010   x10E6/uL
#> 3      30020       g/dL
#> 4      30030          %
#> 5      30080   x10E3/uL
#> 6      30040         fL
#> 7      30050         pg
#> 8      30060       g/dL
#> 9      30070          %
#> 10     30100         fL
#> 11     30600        g/L
#> 12     30690     mmol/L
#> 13     30870     mmol/L
#> 14     21001      kg/m2
#> 15     30110          %
#> 16     30090          %
#> 17     30120   x10E3/uL
#> 18     30180          %
#> 19     30140   x10E3/uL
#> 20     30200          %
#> 21     30130   x10E3/uL
#> 22     30190          %
#> 23     30150   x10E3/uL
#> 24     30210          %
#> 25     30160   x10E3/uL
#> 26     30220          %
#> 27     30740     mmol/L
#> 28     30670     mmol/L
#> 29     30700     umol/L
#> 30     30680     mmol/L
#> 31     30810     mmol/L
#> 32     30860      mg/mL
#> 33     30760     mmol/L
#> 34     30780     mmol/L
#> 35     30610        U/L
#> 36     30650        U/L
#> 37     30620        U/L
#> 38     30730        U/L
#> 39     30840     umol/L
#> 40     30660     umol/L
#> 41     30750   mmol/mol
#> 42     30890     nmol/L
#> 43     30510     umol/L
#> 44      4080       mmHg
#> 45      4079       mmHg
#> 46     30710       mg/L
#> 47     30800     pmol/L
#> 48     30170   x10E3/uL