given an ScCounts object and peaks, summarise the counts over the peaks and return a ScPeaks object
- sc_counts
a ScCounts object
- peaks
a data frame with the peak intervals (chrom, start, end) and a column called "peak_name"
- cells
names of cells to include. Default: all cells.
- metadata
(optional) per-metacell metadata. A data frame with a column called 'metacell' and additional metacell annotations.
- mc_size_eps_q
(optional) quantile of MC size (in UMIs) to scale the number of UMIs per metacell. \(egc_ij\) would then be the fraction of peak i in metacell j multiplied by the
quantile of metacell sizes.
if (FALSE) {
atac_sc <- import_from_10x("pbmc_data", genome = "hg38")
sc_counts <- scc_read("pbmc_reads")
atac_sc <- scc_to_peaks(sc_counts, atac_sc@peaks)