Converts date and hour to internal time format.
emr_date2time(day, month, year, hour = 0)
Vector of converted times.
This function converts date and hour to internal time format. Note: the earliest valid time is 1 March 1867.
Note: if one of the arguments ('day', ...) is a vector, then the other arguments must be vectors two of identical size or scalars. Internally a data frame is built out of all the vectors or scalars before the conversion is applied. Hence rules for data frame creation apply to this function.
# 30 January, 1938, 6:00 - birthday of Islam Karimov
t <- emr_date2time(30, 1, 1938, 6)
#> [1] 6
#> [1] 30
#> [1] 1
#> [1] 1938
# cover all times when Islam Karimov could have been born
# (if we don't know the exact hour!)
t <- emr_date2time(30, 1, 1938, 0:23)