point_size = 0.1,
misha_tracks = list(),
mt_colors = getOption("shaman.track_colors"),
mt_ylims = NULL,
annotations = list(),
a_colors = getOption("shaman.annotation_colors"),
add_genes = T,
add_ideogram = T,
add_axis = T,
gene_stacking = "squish",
gene_size = 0.7,
track_size = 0.8,
annotation_size = 0.7,
fig_fn = "",
fig_width = 900,
fig_height = 5/6 * 900
Name of reference genome (e.g. "hg19", "mm10")
A dataframe containing the points (start1, start2) and their normalized score.
1D interval (chrom, start, end) specifying the region to plot
List of 1D track expressions (virtual tracks also supported) which can be extracted from.
Array of colors, one for each misha_track, which will be used to plot each 1d track.
List of gintervals highlighting annotated regions.
Array of colors, one for each annotation set.
Boolean flag indicating whether to show gene annotations.
Boolean flag indicating whether to add an chromosomal ideogram.
Boolean flag indicating whether to show chromosmal axis.
Describes the viewing option of the genes track. Can be either "squish", or "dense".
Size of gene annotation view.
Size of track view.
Name of png file to output to. Empty string will cause the figure to be plotted to the current device.
Width in pixels of output png figure.
Height in pixels of output png figure.
Y-axis limits for each misha track. If not provided, generated automatically based on the data to be displayed in the region.
Size of annotation view.
Plots observerved hic contact matrix color-coded by normalized scores, aligned with linear data such as gene annotations, rna, chromatin, transcription factor binding, etc').
#> Error in setwd(groot): cannot change working directory
points <- gextract("hic_score", gintervals.2d(2, 175e06, 178e06, 2, 175e06, 178e06), colnames = "score")
#> Error: Invalid interval (chr2, 1.75e+08, 1.78e+08): end coordinate exceeds chromosome boundaries
shaman_plot_map_score_with_annotations("hg19", points, gintervals(2, 175e06, 178e06))
#> Error in shaman_plot_map_score_with_annotations("hg19", points, gintervals(2, 175000000, 178000000)): points_score data frame must contain the following columns: start1, start2, score