Calculates distances between the matrix rows.

tgs_dist(x, diag = FALSE, upper = FALSE, tidy = FALSE, threshold = Inf)



numeric matrix


see 'dist' documentation


see 'dist' documentation


if 'TRUE' data is outputed in tidy format


threshold below which values are outputed in tidy format


If 'tidy' is 'FALSE' - the output is similar to that of 'dist' function. If 'tidy' is 'TRUE' - 'tgs_dist' returns a data frame, where each row represents distances between two pairs of original rows.


This function is very similar to 'package:stats::dist'. Unlike the latter it uses all available CPU cores to compute the distances in a much faster way.

Unlike 'package:stats::dist' 'tgs_dist' uses always "euclidean" metrics (see 'method' parameter of 'dist' function). Thus:

'tgs_dist(x)' is equivalent to 'dist(x, method = "euclidean")'

'tgs_dist' can output its result in "tidy" format: a data frame with three columns named 'row1', 'row2' and 'dist'. Only the distances that are less or equal than the 'threshold' are reported. Distance between row number X and Y is reported only if X < Y. 'diag' and 'upper' parameters are ignored when the result is returned in "tidy" format.


# \donttest{
# Note: all the available CPU cores might be used

set.seed(seed = 0)
rows <- 100
cols <- 1000
vals <- sample(1:(rows * cols / 2), rows * cols, replace = TRUE)
m <- matrix(vals, nrow = rows, ncol = cols)
m[sample(1:(rows * cols), rows * cols / 1000)] <- NA
r <- tgs_dist(m)
# }

# \dontshow{
options(tgs_use.blas = FALSE)
options(tgs_max.processes = 1)

set.seed(seed = 0)
rows <- 100
cols <- 100
vals <- sample(1:(rows * cols / 2), rows * cols, replace = TRUE)
m <- matrix(vals, nrow = rows, ncol = cols)
m[sample(1:(rows * cols), rows * cols / 1000)] <- NA
r <- tgs_dist(m)
# }