Clusters directed graph.
tgs_graph_cover(graph, min_cluster_size, cooling = 1.05, burn_in = 10)
Data frame that maps each node to its cluster.
The algorithm is explained in a "MetaCell: analysis of single-cell RNA-seq data using K-nn graph partitions" paper, published in "Genome Biology" #20:
# \donttest{
# Note: all the available CPU cores might be used
set.seed(seed = 0)
rows <- 100
cols <- 1000
vals <- sample(1:(rows * cols / 2), rows * cols, replace = TRUE)
m <- matrix(vals, nrow = rows, ncol = cols)
m[sample(1:(rows * cols), rows * cols / 1000)] <- NA
r1 <- tgs_cor(m, pairwise.complete.obs = FALSE, spearman = TRUE)
r2 <- tgs_knn(r1, knn = 30, diag = FALSE)
r3 <- tgs_graph(r2, knn = 3, k_expand = 10)
r4 <- tgs_graph_cover(r3, 5)
# }