Numpy utilities.
Import this as ``np`` instead of importing the ``numpy`` module. It exports the same symbols, with
the addition of strongly-typed phantom classes for tracking the exact dimensions and type of each
variable using ``mypy``. It also provides some additional utilities (I/O).
from numpy import * # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin,wildcard-import,unused-wildcard-import
from typing import Any
from typing import Collection
from typing import Optional
from typing import Tuple
from typing import Type
from typing import TypeVar
from typing import Union
import ctypes
import multiprocessing
import os
# pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
#: Type variable for arrays.
A = TypeVar('A', bound='BaseArray') # pylint: disable=invalid-name
_C_TYPES = dict(float32=ctypes.c_float, int32=ctypes.c_int32, float64=ctypes.c_double)
class BaseArray(ndarray):
Base class for all Numpy array and matrix phantom types.
#: The expected dimensions of an array of the (derived) class.
dimensions: int
#: The expected data type of an array of the (derived) class.
dtype: str
def exists(path: str) -> bool:
Whether there exists a disk file with the specified path to load an array from.
This checks for either a ``.txt`` or a ``.npy`` suffix to allow for loading either
an array of strings or an array or matrix of numeric values.
assert not path.endswith('.npy')
assert not path.endswith('.txt')
return os.path.exists(path + '.npy') or os.path.exists(path + '.txt')
def read(cls: Type[A], path: str, mmap_mode: Optional[str] = None) -> A:
Read a Numpy array of the concrete type from the disk.
If a disk file with a ``.txt`` suffix exists, this will read an array of strings. Otherwise,
a file with a ``.npy`` suffix must exist, and this will memory map the array or matrix of
values contained in it.
return cls.am(BaseArray._read(path, mmap_mode))
def _read(path: str, mmap_mode: Optional[str] = None) -> ndarray:
assert not path.endswith('.npy')
assert not path.endswith('.txt')
text_path = path + '.txt'
if os.path.exists(text_path):
with open(text_path, 'r') as file:
strings = file.read().split('\n')[:-1]
values = array(strings, dtype='O')
values = load(path + '.npy', mmap_mode)
return values
def read_array(path: str, mmap_mode: Optional[str] = None) -> ndarray:
Read a 1D array of any type from the disk.
array = BaseArray._read(path, mmap_mode)
BaseArray._am_shape(array, 1)
return array
def read_matrix(path: str, mmap_mode: Optional[str] = None) -> ndarray:
Read a 2D array of any type from the disk.
array = BaseArray._read(path, mmap_mode)
BaseArray._am_shape(array, 2)
return array
def write(cls, data: ndarray, path: str) -> None:
Write a Numpy array of the concrete type to the disk.
If writing an array of strings, this will create a file with a ``.txt`` suffix containing
one string value per line. Otherwise, the data may be an array or a matrix of numeric
values, which will be written to a file with a ``.npy`` format allowing for memory mapped
BaseArray._write(data, path)
def _write(data: ndarray, path: str) -> None:
assert not path.endswith('.npy')
assert not path.endswith('.txt')
if data.dtype == 'O':
BaseArray._am_shape(data, 1)
with open(path + '.txt', 'w') as file:
save(path + '.npy', data)
def am(cls: Type[A], data: ndarray) -> A: # pylint: disable=invalid-name
Declare an array as being of this type.
BaseArray._am_shape(data, cls.dimensions)
if cls.dtype not in [data.dtype.name, data.dtype.kind]:
raise ValueError('unexpected data type: %s instead of: %s'
% (data.dtype, cls.dtype))
return data # type: ignore
def be(cls: Type[A], data: Collection) -> A: # pylint: disable=invalid-name
Convert an array to this type.
if not isinstance(data, ndarray):
data = array(data, dtype=cls.dtype)
BaseArray._am_shape(data, cls.dimensions)
if cls.dtype not in [data.dtype.name, data.dtype.kind]:
data = data.astype(cls.dtype)
return data # type: ignore
def _am_shape(data: ndarray, expected_dimensions: int) -> None:
if not isinstance(data, ndarray):
raise ValueError('unexpected type: %s.%s instead of: %s.%s'
% (data.__class__.__module__, data.__class__.__qualname__,
ndarray.__module__, ndarray.__qualname__))
if len(data.shape) != expected_dimensions:
raise ValueError('unexpected dimensions: %s instead of: %s'
% (len(data.shape), expected_dimensions))
def zeros(cls: Type[A], shape: Union[int, Tuple[int, ...]]) -> A:
Return an array full of zeros.
if isinstance(shape, tuple):
assert len(shape) == 2
return cls.am(zeros(shape, dtype=cls.dtype))
def empty(cls: Type[A], shape: Union[int, Tuple[int, ...]]) -> A:
Return an uninitialized array.
if isinstance(shape, tuple):
assert len(shape) == 2
return cls.am(empty(shape, dtype=cls.dtype))
def filled(cls: Type[A], value: Any, shape: Union[int, Tuple[int, ...]]) -> A:
Return an array full of some value.
array = cls.empty(shape)
return array
def shared_memory_zeros(cls: Type[A], shape: Union[int, Tuple[int, ...]]) -> A:
Create a shared memory array, initialized to zeros.
if isinstance(shape, int):
size = shape
shape = (size,)
assert len(shape) == 2
size = int(shape[0] * shape[1])
c_type = _C_TYPES[cls.dtype]
shared_buffer = multiprocessing.Array(c_type, size) # type: ignore
shared_array = frombuffer(shared_buffer.get_obj(), dtype=cls.dtype)
return cls.am(reshape(shared_array, shape, order='F'))
class ArrayStr(BaseArray):
An array of Unicode strings.
dimensions = 1
dtype = 'O'
class ArrayBool(BaseArray):
An array of booleans.
dimensions = 1
dtype = 'bool'
class MatrixBool(BaseArray):
A matrix of booleans.
dimensions = 2
dtype = 'bool'
class ArrayInt8(BaseArray):
An array of 8-bit integers.
dimensions = 1
dtype = 'int8'
class MatrixInt8(BaseArray):
A matrix of 8-bit integers.
dimensions = 2
dtype = 'int8'
class ArrayInt16(BaseArray):
An array of 16-bit integers.
dimensions = 1
dtype = 'int16'
class MatrixInt16(BaseArray):
A matrix of 16-bit integers.
dimensions = 2
dtype = 'int16'
class ArrayInt32(BaseArray):
An array of 32-bit integers.
dimensions = 1
dtype = 'int32'
class MatrixInt32(BaseArray):
A matrix of 32-bit integers.
dimensions = 2
dtype = 'int32'
class ArrayInt64(BaseArray):
An array of 64-bit integers.
dimensions = 1
dtype = 'int64'
class MatrixInt64(BaseArray):
A matrix of 64-bit integers.
dimensions = 2
dtype = 'int64'
class ArrayFloat32(BaseArray):
An array of 32-bit floating point numbers.
dimensions = 1
dtype = 'float32'
class MatrixFloat32(BaseArray):
A matrix of 32-bit floating point numbers.
dimensions = 2
dtype = 'float32'
class ArrayFloat64(BaseArray):
An array of 64-bit floating point numbers.
dimensions = 1
dtype = 'float64'
class MatrixFloat64(BaseArray):
A matrix of 64-bit floating point numbers.
dimensions = 2
dtype = 'float64'
#: The phantom type for an array by its data type name.
ARRAY_OF_DTYPE = dict( #
#: The phantom type for a matrix by its data type name.