Distills multiple trajectory models
This function takes a list of trajectory models and performs a distillation process to create a single set of motifs.
max_motif_num = NULL,
min_diff = 0.1,
intra_cor_thresh = 0.6,
distill_single = FALSE,
learn_single_spatial = TRUE,
use_all_motifs = FALSE,
bits_threshold = 1.75,
r2_threshold = NULL,
seed = 60427,
parallel = TRUE,
cluster_report_dir = NULL,
filter_models = TRUE,
unique_motifs = FALSE
- traj_models
A list of trajectory models.
- max_motif_num
The maximum number of motifs to be identified. If NULL - the number would be set to the maximum number of motifs in the input models.
- min_diff
The minimum difference of scores to use for distillation
- intra_cor_thresh
The threshold for the average intra-cluster correlation to split clusters. If NULL, no splitting is done.
- distill_single
Logical indicating whether to distill clusters with a single motif.
- learn_single_spatial
Logical indicating whether to learn only spatial features for clusters with a single motif, or skip them.
- use_all_motifs
Logical indicating whether to use all motifs in the resulting models. If FALSE, only motifs from clusters which had a motif from the original model are used.
- bits_threshold
minimal sum of bits for a feature to be included in the model.
- r2_threshold
minimal R^2 for a feature to be included in the model.
- seed
The random seed for reproducibility. Defaults to 60427.
- parallel
Whether to use parallel processing
- cluster_report_dir
The directory to store cluster reports. If not NULL, a png would be created for each cluster.
- filter_models
Logical indicating whether to filter the models before distillation. Defaults to TRUE.
- unique_motifs
Logical indicating whether to keep only unique motifs. Defaults to FALSE.