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This function infers the motif energies for a set of peaks using a pre-trained trajectory model.


  atac_scores = NULL,
  bin_start = 1,
  bin_end = ncol(atac_scores),
  additional_features = NULL,
  test_energies = NULL,
  diff_score = NULL,
  sequences = NULL,
  norm_sequences = NULL



A trajectory model object, as returned by regress_trajectory_motifs


A data frame, indicating the genomic positions ('chrom', 'start', 'end') of each peak, with an additional column named "const" indicating whether the peak is constitutive. Optionally, a column named "cluster" can be added with indication of the cluster of each peak.


Optional. A numeric matrix, representing mean ATAC score per bin per peak. Rows: peaks, columns: bins. By default iceqream would regress the last column minus the first column. If you want to regress something else, please either set bin_start or bin_end, or provide atac_diff instead. If normalize_bins is TRUE, the scores will be normalized to 0, 1.


the start of the trajectory. Default: 1


the end of the trajectory. Default: the last bin (only used when atac_scores is provided)


A data frame, representing additional genomic features (e.g. CpG content, distance to TSS, etc.) for each peak. Note that NA values would be replaced with 0.


An already computed matrix of motif energies for the test peaks. An advanced option to provide the energies directly.


The difference in ATAC-seq scores between the end and start of the peak. If provided, the function will ignore the atac_scores parameter.


A vector of strings containing the sequences of the peaks. If not provided, the sequences will be extracted from the genome using the peak intervals.


A vector of strings containing the sequences of the normalization intervals. If not provided, the sequences will be extracted from the genome using the normalization intervals.


a TrajectoryModel object which contains both the original ('train') peaks and the newly inferred ('test') peaks. The field @type indicates whether a peak is a 'train' or 'test' peak. R^2 statistics are computed at object@params$stats.