Learn 'prego' models for ATAC difference of a trajectory
Learn 'prego' models for ATAC difference of a trajectory
min_diff = 0.2,
energy_norm_quantile = 1,
norm_energy_max = 10,
min_energy = -7,
sample_for_kmers = FALSE,
sample_fraction = 0.1,
sequences = NULL,
seed = NULL,
peaks_size = 300,
additional_features = NULL,
norm_intervals = peak_intervals,
- peak_intervals
A data frame, indicating the genomic positions ('chrom', 'start', 'end') of each peak, with an additional column named "const" indicating whether the peak is constitutive and therefore shouldn't be used in the regression. Optionally, a column named "cluster" can be added with indication of the cluster of each peak.
- atac_diff
A numeric vector, indicating the ATAC difference of each peak
- n_motifs
Number of motifs to learn. Should be at least 2
- min_diff
Minimum ATAC difference to include a peak in the training
- energy_norm_quantile
quantile of the energy used for normalization. Default: 1
- norm_energy_max
maximum value of the normalized energy. Default: 10
- min_energy
Minimum energy value after normalization (default: -7)
- sample_for_kmers
Whether to sample kmers for training. Default: TRUE
- sample_fraction
Fraction of peaks to sample for training. Default: 0.1#'
- sequences
A character vector of sequences to learn the motifs on. If NULL, the sequences of the peaks are used.
- seed
Random seed
- peaks_size
size of the peaks to extract sequences from. Default: 300bp
- additional_features
A matrix of additional features to filter out before learning the motifs (e.g. CpG content, dinucleotide content, etc.)
- norm_intervals
A data frame, indicating the genomic positions ('chrom', 'start', 'end') of peaks used for energy normalization. If NULL, the function will use
for normalization.- ...
Additional arguments to be passed to