Normalize regional ATAC data using punctured windows
Performs regional normalization of ATAC-seq data by calculating marginal coverage in windows around peaks. The function uses a "punctured window" approach, where the signal in a window around each peak (excluding the peak itself) is used to normalize the peak signal. This helps account for local background variation and accessibility biases that are generally due to GC content or mappability.
- peaks
A data frame containing peak intervals with columns 'chrom', 'start', and 'end'
- mat
Numeric matrix. The raw ATAC signal matrix to normalize, with peaks as rows and cell types as columns
- marginal_track
Character. Name of the track containing marginal (summed) signal across all cell types
- window_size
Numeric. Size of the window around each peak to use for normalization (in base pairs). Default: 2e4
- minimal_quantile
Numeric. Minimum quantile of the punctured window coverage to use, prevents division by very small values. Default: 0.1
A normalized matrix with the same dimensions as the input, where each value has been adjusted for local background signal
The normalization process follows these steps:
Creates virtual tracks for peak signal and window signal
Calculates punctured window coverage (window minus peak)
Normalizes by the punctured coverage while enforcing a minimum based on minimal_quantile
Performs final column-wise normalization
See also
, normalize_to_prob
for subsequent normalization steps