Plot IQ Locus
This function generates a plot of an IQ locus, including DNA sequence, motif responses, and ATAC-seq tracks.
width = 500,
ext_width = 200000,
T_emax = 8,
T_rmax = NULL,
motifs = NULL,
plot_others = FALSE,
trim_pbms = TRUE,
trim_bits_thresh = 0.1,
bits_threshold = NULL,
order_motifs = TRUE,
atac_names = atac_tracks,
atac_colors = NULL,
atac_sizes = NULL,
line_thresh = 0.9,
title = NULL,
score = NULL,
predicted_score = NULL,
dna = NULL,
norm_q = 0.995,
tracks_q = NULL,
iterator = 20,
norm_intervals = gintervals.all(),
atac_smooth = 2,
ext_atac_smooth = atac_smooth * 5,
tn5bias_track = "tn5bias",
normalize_tn5bias = TRUE,
tss_intervals = "intervs.global.tss",
exon_intervals = "intervs.global.exon",
annot_track = NULL,
annot_track_name = NULL,
annot_colors = c("#FF9800", "#009688"),
annot_track_iterator = 1,
annot_track_smooth = 1,
annot_intervals = NULL,
annot_intervals_color = "darkgreen",
mark_conservation = FALSE,
conservation_threshold = 1.5,
scale_cex = 500,
dna_height = 0.03,
filename = NULL,
dev = grDevices::pdf,
plot_width = 15,
plot_height = 8,
base_size = 8,
base_family = "ArialMT",
rasterize = FALSE,
raster_device = "ragg",
- interval
A genomic interval to plot.
- pbm_list
A list of PBM objects.
- atac_tracks
A vector of ATAC-seq track names to plot.
- width
Width of the plot in bp.
- ext_width
Width of the top plot in bp.
- T_emax
Numeric, threshold for maximum energy.
- T_rmax
Numeric, threshold for maximum response.
- motifs
A list of specific motifs to plot.
- plot_others
Logical, whether to plot other motifs that pass the threshold when specific motifs are provided.
- trim_pbms
Logical, whether to trim PBM objects by removing positions with low information content from the beginning and end of the PSSM.
- trim_bits_thresh
Numeric, threshold for trimming PBM objects.
- bits_threshold
Numeric, threshold for trimming PSSMs.
- order_motifs
Logical, whether to order motifs by maximum response.
- atac_names
Character vector, names for ATAC-seq tracks.
- atac_colors
Named vector, colors for ATAC-seq tracks.
- atac_sizes
Named vector, line sizes for ATAC-seq tracks.
- line_thresh
Numeric, threshold for drawing vertical lines.
- title
Character, optional title for the plot.
- score
Numeric, optional score to display in the plot title.
- predicted_score
Numeric, optional predicted score to display in the plot title.
- dna
Character, DNA sequence to plot. If NULL, the sequence is extracted from the interval.
- norm_q
Numeric, quantile for normalization. If a vector, should have the same length as atac_names.
- tracks_q
Data frame, pre-computed quantiles for tracks. Should have a 'type' column and a 'q' column.
- iterator
Numeric, iterator for gextract.
- norm_intervals
Genomic intervals for normalization.
- atac_smooth
Numeric, smoothing factor for ATAC-seq tracks.
- ext_atac_smooth
Numeric, smoothing factor for the top plot.
- tn5bias_track
Character, name of the Tn5 bias track.
- normalize_tn5bias
Logical, whether to normalize using the TN5 bias track. If a vector, should have the same length as atac_names.
- tss_intervals
Character, name of the TSS intervals track.
- exon_intervals
Character, name of the exon intervals track.
- annot_track
Character, name of the annotation track.
- annot_track_name
Character, display name for the annotation track.
- annot_colors
Named vector, colors for annotation track.
- annot_track_iterator
Numeric, iterator for annotation track extraction.
- annot_track_smooth
Numeric, smoothing factor for annotation track.
- annot_intervals
Genomic intervals for annotation (start positions would be used).
- annot_intervals_color
Color for annotation intervals.
- mark_conservation
Logical, whether to mark conservation in the DNA sequence.
- conservation_threshold
Numeric, threshold for marking conservation.
- scale_cex
Numeric, scaling factor for letter sizes.
- dna_height
Numeric, height of each row of DNA sequence relative to the entire plot.
- filename
Character, output filename (if NULL, plot is not saved).
- dev
Function, device to use for plotting.
- plot_width
Numeric, width of the output plot.
- plot_height
Numeric, height of the output plot.
- base_size
Numeric, base font size for the plot.
- base_family
Character, base font family for the plot.
- rasterize
Logical, whether to rasterize certain plot elements for better performance.
- raster_device
Character, device to use for rasterization.
- ...
additional arguments to pass to the plotting function.