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This function performs motif regression on ATAC trajectories. It can work with either ATAC scores on trajectory bins or directly with differential accessibility.

The basic inputs for regression are the genomic positions of the peaks, two vectors of ATAC scores (as an atac_scores matrix) or differential accessibility (atac_diff), and database energies computed for all the genomics positions. Optionally, additional features such as epigenomic features can be provided.


  atac_scores = NULL,
  atac_diff = NULL,
  normalize_bins = TRUE,
  norm_intervals = NULL,
  max_motif_num = 30,
  n_clust_factor = 1,
  motif_energies = NULL,
  norm_motif_energies = NULL,
  pssm_db = iceqream::motif_db,
  additional_features = NULL,
  min_tss_distance = 5000,
  bin_start = 1,
  bin_end = NULL,
  min_initial_energy_cor = 0.05,
  normalize_energies = TRUE,
  energy_norm_quantile = 1,
  norm_energy_max = 10,
  n_prego_motifs = 0,
  traj_prego = NULL,
  min_diff = 0.1,
  distill_on_diff = FALSE,
  prego_min_diff = min_diff,
  prego_sample_for_kmers = TRUE,
  prego_sample_fraction = 0.1,
  prego_energy_norm_quantile = 1,
  prego_spat_bin_size = NULL,
  prego_spat_num_bins = NULL,
  seed = 60427,
  feature_selection_beta = 0.003,
  lambda = 0.00001,
  alpha = 1,
  filter_using_r2 = FALSE,
  r2_threshold = 0.0005,
  parallel = TRUE,
  peaks_size = 500,
  spat_num_bins = NULL,
  spat_bin_size = NULL,
  kmer_sequence_length = 300,
  include_interactions = FALSE,
  interaction_threshold = 0.001,
  max_motif_interaction_n = NULL,
  max_add_interaction_n = NULL,
  max_interaction_n = NULL,
  symmetrize_spat = TRUE



A data frame, indicating the genomic positions ('chrom', 'start', 'end') of each peak.


Optional. A numeric matrix, representing mean ATAC score per bin per peak. Rows: peaks, columns: bins. By default iceqream would regress the last column minus the first column. If you want to regress something else, please either change bin_start or bin_end, or provide atac_diff instead. If normalize_bins is TRUE, the scores will be normalized to be between 0 and 1.


Optional. A numeric vector representing the differential accessibility between the start and end of the trajectory. Either this or atac_scores must be provided.


whether to normalize the ATAC scores to be between 0 and 1. Default: TRUE


A data frame, indicating the genomic positions ('chrom', 'start', 'end') of peaks used for energy normalization. If NULL, the function will use peak_intervals for normalization.


maximum number of motifs to consider. Default: 50


factor to divide the number of to keep after clustering. e.g. if n_clust_factor > 1 the number of motifs to keep will be reduced by a factor of n_clust_factor. Default: 1


A numeric matrix, representing the energy of each motif in each peak. If NULL, the function will use pssm_db to calculate the motif energies. Note that this might take a while.


A numeric matrix, representing the normalized energy of each motif in each interval of norm_intervals. If NULL, the function will use pssm_db to calculate the motif energies. Note that this might take a while.


a data frame with PSSMs ('A', 'C', 'G' and 'T' columns), with an additional column 'motif' containing the motif name. All the motifs in motif_energies (column names) should be present in the 'motif' column. Default: all motifs.


A data frame, representing additional genomic features (e.g. CpG content, distance to TSS, etc.) for each peak. Note that NA values would be replaced with 0.


distance from Transcription Start Site (TSS) to classify a peak as an enhancer. Default: 5000. If NULL, no filtering will be performed - use this option if your peaks are already filtered.
Note that in order to filter peaks that are too close to TSS, the current misha genome must have an intervals set called


the start of the trajectory. Default: 1


the end of the trajectory. Default: the last bin (only used when atac_scores is provided)


minimal correlation between the motif normalized energy and the ATAC difference.


whether to normalize the motif energies. Set this to FALSE if the motif energies are already normalized.


quantile of the energy used for normalization. Default: 1


maximum value of the normalized energy. Default: 10


number of prego motifs (de-novo motifs) to consider.


output of learn_traj_prego. If provided, no additional prego models would be inferred.


minimal ATAC difference for a peak to participate in the initial prego motif inference and in the distillation step (if distill_on_diff is TRUE).


whether to distill motifs based on differential accessibility. If FALSE, all peaks will be used for distillation, if TRUE - only peaks with differential accessibility >= min_diff will be used.


whether to use a sample of the peaks for kmer screening. Default: TRUE


Fraction of peaks to sample for prego motif inference. A smaller number would be faster but might lead to over-fitting. Default: 0.1


random seed for reproducibility.


beta parameter used for feature selection.


A user supplied lambda sequence. Typical usage is to have the program compute its own lambda sequence based on nlambda and lambda.min.ratio. Supplying a value of lambda overrides this. WARNING: use with care. Avoid supplying a single value for lambda (for predictions after CV use predict() instead). Supply instead a decreasing sequence of lambda values. glmnet relies on its warms starts for speed, and its often faster to fit a whole path than compute a single fit.


The elasticnet mixing parameter, with \(0\le\alpha\le 1\). The penalty is defined as $$(1-\alpha)/2||\beta||_2^2+\alpha||\beta||_1.$$ alpha=1 is the lasso penalty, and alpha=0 the ridge penalty.


whether to filter features using R^2.


minimal R^2 for a feature to be included in the model.


whether to use parallel processing on glmnet.


size of the peaks to extract sequences from. Default: 500bp


number of spatial bins to use.


size of each spatial bin.


length of the kmer sequence to use for kmer screening. By default the full sequence is used.


whether to include interactions between motifs / additional fetures as model features. IQ will create interactions between significant additional features and all motifs, and between significant motifs. Default: FALSE


threshold for the selecting features to create interactions. IQ learns a linear model on the features and selects the features with coefficients above this threshold. Default: 0.001


maximum number of motifs to consider for interactions. If NULL, all motifs above the interaction_threshold will be considered. Default: NULL


maximum number of additional features to consider for interactions. If NULL, all additional features above the interaction_threshold will be considered. Default: NULL


maximum number of interactions to consider.


if TRUE, the spatial model would be symmetrized around the center bin. Default: TRUE.

prego_enrgy_norm_quantile, prego_spat_bin_size, prego_spat_num_bins

parameters for prego motif inference. See prego::regress_pwm for more details.


An instance of TrajectoryModel containing model information and results:

  • model: The final General Linear Model (GLM) object.

  • motif_models: Named List, PSSM and spatial models for each motif cluster.

  • normalized_energies: Numeric vector, normalized energies of each motif in each peak.

  • additional_features: data frame of the additional features.

  • diff_score: Numeric, normalized score of differential accessibility between 'bin_start' and 'bin_end'.

  • predicted_diff_score: Numeric, predicted differential accessibility score between 'bin_start' and 'bin_end'.

  • initial_prego_models: List, inferred prego models at the initial step of the algorithm.

  • peak_intervals: data frame, indicating the genomic positions ('chrom', 'start', 'end') of each peak used for training.

Print the model to see more details.