Rescale Values Based on Original Scale Factors
This function applies a reverse operation of normalization for a numeric vector x
based on the scale factors derived from an original vector orig_x
. It effectively
attempts to map the values in x
back to their original scale by applying
the inverse operations of scaling and translation based on the minimum and
maximum values found in orig_x
. The process involves scaling x
by the
maximum value (after subtracting the minimum value) of orig_x
and then
adding the minimum value of orig_x
to each element.
A numeric vector with values rescaled to their original range based
on the scale factors from orig_x
# Generate random values and normalize
orig_x <- rnorm(100)
normed_x <- norm01(orig_x)
# Rescale normalized values back to original range
rescaled_x <- rescale(normed_x, orig_x)
range(rescaled_x) # This should closely match the range of orig_x
#> [1] -2.808011 2.654898
#> [1] -2.808011 2.654898