Calculates summary statistics of a track expression for bins.
expr = NULL,
intervals = get("ALLGENOME", envir = .misha),
include.lowest = FALSE,
iterator = NULL,
band = NULL
pairs of track expressions ('bin_expr') that determines the bins and breaks that define the bins. See gdist
track expression for which summary statistics is calculated
genomic scope for which the function is applied
if 'TRUE', the lowest value of the range determined by breaks is included
track expression iterator. If 'NULL' iterator is determined implicitly based on track expressions.
track expression band. If 'NULL' no band is used.
Multi-dimensional array representing summary statistics for each bin.
This function is a binned version of 'gsummary'. For each iterator interval the value of 'bin_expr' is calculated and assigned to the corresponding bin determined by 'breaks'. The summary statistics of 'expr' are calculated then separately for each bin.
The bins can be multi-dimensional depending on the number of 'bin_expr'-'breaks' pairs.
The range of bins is determined by 'breaks' argument. For example: 'breaks=c(x1, x2, x3, x4)' represents three different intervals (bins): (x1, x2], (x2, x3], (x3, x4].
If 'include.lowest' is 'TRUE' the the lowest value will be included in the first interval, i.e. in [x1, x2].
gbins.summary("dense_track", c(0, 0.2, 0.4, 2), "sparse_track",
intervals = gintervals(1), iterator = "dense_track"
#> Total intervals NaN intervals Min Max Sum Mean
#> (0,0.2] 5740 5474 0.3555556 0.65 103.01308 0.3872672
#> (0.2,0.4] 771 0 0.3733333 0.76 373.53933 0.4844868
#> (0.4,2] 35 0 0.5371429 1.24 27.80314 0.7943755
#> Std dev
#> (0,0.2] 0.04753164
#> (0.2,0.4] 0.07836847
#> (0.4,2] 0.16449928
#> attr(,"breaks")
#> attr(,"breaks")[[1]]
#> [1] 0.0 0.2 0.4 2.0