Calculates auto-correlation between plus and minus strands for the given chromosome in a file of mapped sequences.
file = NULL,
chrom = NULL,
binsize = NULL,
maxread = 400,
cols.order = c(9, 11, 13, 14),
min.coord = 0,
max.coord = 3e+08
the name of the file containing mapped sequences
chromosome for which the auto-correlation is computed
calculate the auto-correlation for bins in the range of [-maxread, maxread]
maximal length of the sequence used for statistics
order of sequence, chromosome, coordinate and strand columns in file
minimal coordinate used for statistics
maximal coordinate used for statistics
Statistics for each strand and auto-correlation by given bins.
This function calculates auto-correlation between plus and minus strands for the given chromosome in a file of mapped sequences. Each line in the file describes one read. Each column is separated by a TAB character.
The following columns must be presented in the file: sequence, chromosome, coordinate and strand. The position of these columns are controlled by 'cols.order' argument accordingly. The default value of 'cols.order' is a vector (9,11,13,14) meaning that sequence is expected to be found at column number 9, chromosome - at column 11, coordinate - at column 13 and strand - at column 14. The first column should be referenced by 1 and not by 0.
Coordinates that are not in [min.coord, max.coord] range are ignored.
gcompute_strands_autocorr outputs the total statistics and the auto-correlation given by bins. The size of the bin is indicated by 'binsize' parameter. Statistics is calculated for bins in the range of [-maxread, maxread].
gcompute_strands_autocorr(paste(.misha$GROOT, "reads", sep = "/"),
"chr1", 50,
maxread = 300
#> [[1]]
#> Forward mean Forward stdev Reverse mean Reverse stdev
#> 0.007209372 0.193899377 0.003404426 0.109562905
#> [[2]]
#> bin corr
#> 1 -6 -0.001155318
#> 2 -5 0.003557982
#> 3 -4 -0.001155318
#> 4 -3 0.012984580
#> 5 -2 -0.001155318
#> 6 -1 -0.001155318
#> 7 0 0.031837776
#> 8 1 0.045977673
#> 9 2 0.196803243
#> 10 3 0.385335205
#> 11 4 0.055404271
#> 12 5 -0.001155318