Creates a new track from PSSM energy function.
track = NULL,
description = NULL,
pssmset = NULL,
pssmid = NULL,
prior = NULL,
iterator = NULL
This function creates a new track with values of a PSSM energy function. PSSM parameters (nucleotide probability per position and pluralization) are determined by 'pssmset' key and data files ('pssmset.key' and ''). These two files must be located in 'GROOT/pssms' directory. The type of the created track is determined by the type of the iterator. 'description' is added as a track attribute.
# \donttest{
gtrack.create_pwm_energy("pwm_energy_track", "Test track", "pssm",
3, 0.01,
iterator = 100
gextract("pwm_energy_track", gintervals(1, 0, 1000))
#> chrom start end pwm_energy_track intervalID
#> 1 chr1 0 100 -53.42195 1
#> 2 chr1 100 200 -52.64308 1
#> 3 chr1 200 300 -52.11026 1
#> 4 chr1 300 400 -51.71758 1
#> 5 chr1 400 500 -49.75199 1
#> 6 chr1 500 600 -44.75133 1
#> 7 chr1 600 700 -49.11913 1
#> 8 chr1 700 800 -48.81431 1
#> 9 chr1 800 900 -48.35187 1
#> 10 chr1 900 1000 -49.70630 1
# }