Reverse Complement DNA Sequences
This function takes a character vector of DNA sequences and returns their reverse complements. It uses an efficient C++ implementation via Rcpp for improved performance.
A character vector of the same length as the input, where each element is the reverse complement of the corresponding input sequence.
The function performs the following operations on each sequence: 1. Converts the sequence to uppercase. 2. Reverses the sequence. 3. Complements each base (A<->T, C<->G). Non-standard characters (not A, T, C, or G) are preserved in their reversed positions.
rc("ATCG") # Returns "CGAT"
#> [1] "CGAT"
rc(c("ATCG", "GGCC", "TATA")) # Returns c("CGAT", "GGCC", "TATA")
#> [1] "CGAT" "GGCC" "TATA"