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Run PWM regression on clusters


  use_sample = TRUE,
  match_with_db = TRUE,
  screen_db = FALSE,
  sample_frac = NULL,
  sample_ratio = 1,
  final_metric = "ks",
  parallel = getOption("prego.parallel", TRUE),
  use_sge = FALSE,
  dataset = all_motif_datasets(),
  motifs = NULL,
  min_D = 0,
  prior = 0.01,
  alternative = "two.sided",



A vector of DNA sequences ('A', 'T', 'C' or 'G'. Will go through toupper). Please make sure that the sequences are long enough to cover spat_num_bins * spat_bin_size bp, and that they are centered around the motif/signal.


a vector with the cluster assignments for each sequence


whether to use sampled optimization or not (default: FALSE).


match the resulting PWMs with motif databases using pssm_match. This would add a column named 'db_match' to the stats data frame, together with 'pred_mat_db' with the database motif predictions, and 'db_dataset' which is similar to 'motif_dataset' for the database motifs. Note that the closest match is returned, even if it is not similar enough in absolute terms. Also, the match is done between the resulting regression pssm and the pssms in the database - in order to find the best motif in the database set screen_db=TRUE.


screen for the best motif in the database which explains the clusters. See screen_pwm.clusters.


a vector of two numbers, specifying the fraction of sequences to use in when sampling for the sequences which are not in the cluster (first number) and in the cluster (second number). If NULL -


When sample_frac is NULL, the number of sequences not in the cluster would be equal to sample_ratio times the number of sequences in the cluster.


metric to use in order to choose the best motif. One of 'ks' or 'r2'. Note that unlike score_metric which is used in the regression itself, this metric is used only for choosing the best motif out of all the runs on the sampled dataset. If NULL - 'ks' would be used for binary response and 'r2' for continuous response.


whether to run optimization in parallel. use set_parallel to set the number of cores to use.


use the function gcluster.run2 from the misha.ext package to run the optimization on a SGE cluster. Only relevant if the misha.ext package is installed. Note that gcluster.run2 writes the current environment before starting the parallelization, so it is better to run this function in a clean environment. Also, Note that 'prego' needs to be installed in order for this to work, i.e. you cannot use devtools::load_all() or pkgload::load_all() to load the package.


a data frame with PSSMs ('A', 'C', 'G' and 'T' columns), with an additional column 'motif' containing the motif name, for example HOMER_motifs or JASPAR_motifs, or all_motif_datasets(), or a MotifDB object.


names of specific motifs to extract from the dataset


minimum distance to consider a match


a prior probability for each nucleotide.


alternative hypothesis for the KS test. Can be "two.sided", "less" or "greater"


Arguments passed on to regress_pwm, regress_pwm.sample


A matrix of response variables - number of rows should equal the number of sequences


Initial motif to start the regression from. Can be either a string with a kmer where the character "*" indicates a wildcard or a data frame with a pre-computed PSSM (see the slot pssm in the return value of this function). If NULL - a K-mer screen would be performed in order to find the best kmer for initialization. If init_from_dataset is TRUE, the regression would be initialized from the PSSM of the best motif in the dataset.


initialize the regression from the PSSM of the best motif in motif_dataset, using final_metric as the metric. If TRUE, the motif parameter would be ignored. See screen_pwm for more details.


Length of the seed motif. If the motif is shorter than this, it will be extended by wildcards (stars). Note that If the motif is longer than this, it will not be truncated.


metric to use for optimizing the PWM. One of "r2" or "ks". When using "ks" the response variable should be a single vector of 0 and 1.


is the motif bi-directional. If TRUE, the reverse-complement of the motif will be used as well.


size of the spatial bin (in bp).


number of spatial bins. Please make sure that the sequences are long enough to cover this number of bins. bp outside of spat_bin_size * spat_num_bins would be ignored. If bidirect is TRUE, the number of bins should be odd as 'prego' symmetrizes the motif around the center bin.


a previously computed spatial model (see spat) in the return value of this function.


minimum improve in the objective function to continue the optimization


minimum nucleotide probability in every iteration


uniform prior for nucleotide probabilities


include the response in the resulting list (default: TRUE)


show verbose messages.


random seed


thresholds for the consensus sequence calculation (single and double nucleotides)


a data frame with PSSMs ('A', 'C', 'G' and 'T' columns), with an additional column 'motif' containing the motif name, for example HOMER_motifs, JASPAR_motifs or all_motif_datasets(). By default all_motif_datasets() would be used.


if TRUE, different candidates of kmers would be regressed in order to find the best seed according to final_metric.


a vector of kmer lengths to screen in order to find the best seed motif.


maximum number of kmer candidates to try.


Number of motifs to infer. When motif_num > 1, the function would run motif_num times, each time on the residuals of a linear model of all the previous runs (see smooth_k parameter). The best motif is then returned, while all the others are stored at 'models' in the return value.


k for smoothing the predictions of each model in order to compute the residuals when motif_num > 1. The residuals are computed as response - running mean of size 'k' of the current model.


minimal correlation between the kmer and the response in order to use it as a seed.


number of folds to use in the internal cross-validation.


Use a random sample of the dataset in order to find the best kmer. This is useful when the dataset is very large and the kmer screen would take a long time. Note that the final regression would be performed on the entire dataset. Only relevant when multi_kmers is TRUE.


indices of the sequences to use for the kmer screen. If NULL, a random sample would be used.


transform the energy to log scale on each iteration.


a function to transform the energy at each iteration. Should accept a numeric vector and return a numeric vector. e.g. log or function(x) x^2. Note that the range of the input energies is between 0 and 1 (the probability of the motif in the sequence), so if you inferred the function using the the returned energies (which are in log scale) you should make sure that the function first log transforms using log_energy=TRUE.


range for the energy function and the number of points to use for its interpolation.


a function to generate the energy function when regressing multiple motifs. Should accept the result of the previous iteration + the original response and return a function similar to energy_func. e.g. function(prev_reg, resp) { df <- data.frame(x = prev_reg$pred, y = resp) fn_gam <- as.formula("y ~ s(x, k=3, bs='cr')") model <- mgcv::gam(fn_gam, family = binomial(link = "logit"), data = df, method="REML") function(z){ mgcv::predict.gam(object = model, newdata = data.frame(x = z)) }}. When this parameter is not NULL, energy_func_generator would create an energy function and then run another step of regression initialized with the previous motif with energy_func as the energy function. This is useful when the energy function is not monotonic, for example - one might want to use a gam model to fit the energy function like in the example above.


optimize the PWM model (Default: TRUE). If FALSE, the PWM model would be used as the initial model for the spatial model.


optimize the spatial model (Default: TRUE). If FALSE, the spatial model would be used as the initial model for the PWM model.


the length of the sequence to use for the kmer screen. If NULL, the entire sequence would be used.


if TRUE, the spatial model would be symmetrized around the center bin. Default: TRUE.


the length of a gap to be considered in the pattern. Only one gap, of length min_gap:max_gap, is being used, and is located anywhere in the motif. Note that this greatly expand the search space (and increase multiple testing severely).


a list with the following elements:


a list with the models for each cluster


an indicator matrix with the cluster assignments


a matrix of the energies of the predicted motifs per cluster (columns) in each sequence (rows)


a data frame with the PSSMs for each cluster


a data frame with the spatial model for each cluster


a data frame with statistics for each cluster


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
res <- regress_pwm.clusters(cluster_sequences_example, clusters_example)

plot_regression_qc(res$models[[1]], title = names(res$models)[1])

# multiple motifs per cluster
res_multi <- regress_pwm.clusters(cluster_sequences_example, clusters_example, motif_num = 3)
plot_regression_qc_multi(res_multi$models[[1]], title = names(res_multi$models)[1])
} # }

# screen also for the best motif in the database
res_screen <- regress_pwm.clusters(cluster_sequences_example, clusters_example, screen_db = TRUE)
#>  Using sampled optimization
#>  Running regression for 5 clusters
#>  Matching with motif databases
#>  Screening motif databases for 5 clusters
#> # A tibble: 5 x 9
#>   cluster consensus      ks_D        r2      seed_motif
#> 1    c100  WGA***AT 0.6530423 0.3224333 ***TGAT*GATG***
#> 2    c111    Y*RTAA 0.8413087 0.5127852 ***CAATTAAC****
#> 3     c29 T*A***W*Y 0.8219863 0.5360583 ***TTAA*CATT***
#> 4      c5      <NA> 0.5633821 0.1974345 ***AATCA*TAA***
#> 5      c6       ATC 0.5971442 0.2654848 ***TA*CTTATC***
#>                        db_match db_match_cor   ks_D_db
#> 1 HOCOMOCO.PDX1_HUMAN.H11MO.0.A    0.7996138 0.6337245
#> 2           JOLMA.CDX2_mono_DBD    0.8912204 0.7803839
#> 3          JASPAR.RFX1.MA0365.1    0.7338186 0.8606183
#> 4        JOLMA.NKX6-1_mono_full    0.6767482 0.5793942
#> 5                  JASPAR.GATA2    0.7807456 0.5790557
#>                         db_motif
#> 1                    HOMER.HOXA2
#> 2                    JASPAR.CDX1
#> 4                    HOMER.Gata2
#> 5                   JASPAR.GATA5

plot_regression_qc(res_screen$models[[1]], title = names(res_screen$models)[1])
#> Warning: All aesthetics have length 1, but the data has 2359 rows.
#>  Please consider using `annotate()` or provide this layer with data containing a
#>   single row.