A wrapper for matrixStats::rowMins() Returns the minimal numeric value per row in a matrix or a dataframe

rowMins(x, ...)



Arguments passed on to matrixStats::rowMaxs


An NxK matrix or, if dim. is specified, an N * K vector.


A vector indicating subset of rows to operate over. If NULL, no subsetting is done.


A vector indicating subset of columns to operate over. If NULL, no subsetting is done.


If TRUE, missing values are excluded.


An integer vector of length two specifying the dimension of x, also when not a matrix. Comment: The reason for this argument being named with a period at the end is purely technical (we get a run-time error if we try to name it dim).


If NA, the default behavior of the function about naming support is remained. If FALSE, no naming support is done. Else if TRUE, names attributes of result are set.