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Read legacy csv’s


fread_rownames(..., row.var = "rowname")

Use fread() to read a csv/tsv with row names (e.g. one created with read.table()). The name of the column that will hold the row names is given in row.var.

All arguments are passed to the underlying fread() call. Note that the following arguments can’t be used (and will be silently ignored): header, skip, col.names.

Sparse Matrix I/O


fwrite_mm(x, fname, sep = " ", row.names = TRUE, col.names = TRUE)

Write the contents of the sparse matrix x into the text file fname in the MatrixMarket format (see

The MatrixMarket format does not save row and column names. fwrite_mm() allows saving them into separate files using the row.names and col.names arguments. These arguments may contain file names into which the column and row names will be written. Alternately setting these arguments to TRUE will cause the row and column names to be written to <fname>.rownames and <fname>.colnames respectively.

The argument sep indicates the field separator that will be used. Note that using any field separator other than space will result in an output that is not compliant with the MatrixMarket format.


fread_mm(fname, sep = " ", row.names = TRUE, col.names = TRUE)

Reads a sparse matrix in the MatrixMarket format from the file fname.

The MatrixMarket format does not save row and column names. fread_mm() allows reading them from separate files using the row.names and col.names arguments. These arguments may contain file names from which the column and row names will be read. Alternately setting these arguments to TRUE will cause the row and column names to be read from <fname>.rownames and <fname>.colnames respectively.

Dense scatter plots


n <- 1e4

# Create large dataset with non-linear relationship
x <- runif(n, -3, 3)
df2 <- data.frame(
    x = x,
    y = sin(x) * 2 + rnorm(n, 0, 0.5)

# Visualize non-linear relationship with density
ggplot(df2, aes(x, y)) +
        pal = c("gray90", "gray50", "orange", "red"),
        size = 0.4,
        alpha = 0.8
    ) +
    labs(title = "Non-linear Pattern with Density Coloring")