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Change the color assignments for each cell type to the ones listed at cell_type_colors_file.


update_cell_type_colors(project, dataset, cell_type_colors_file)



path to the project directory


name for the dataset, e.g. "PBMC"


path to a tabular file (csv,tsv) with color assignement for each cell type. The file should have a column named "cell_type" or "cluster" with the cell types and another column named "color" with the color assignment. Cell types that do not exist in the metacell types would be ignored, so if you changed the names of cell types you would have to also update the metacell types (using update_metacell_types). The function also accepts output of the 'export' button from the application annotation page. If this parameter is missing, MCView would use the chameleon package to assign a color for each cell type.


This is usually done after a first iteration of annotation using the "Annotate" tab in the MCView annotation, which can export a valid cell_type_colors_file.

The file should have a column named "cell_type" or "cluster" with the cell types and another column named "color" with the color assignment. Note that the exported file from the __MCView__ app contains additional fields which will be ignored in this function.

Under the hood - MCView updates a file named "cell_type_colors.tsv" under project/cache/dataset, which can also be edited manually.


if (FALSE) {
update_metacell_types("PBMC", "PBMC163k", "raw/cluster-colors.csv")