Generate and save normalization visualization plots
Creates a series of scatter plots showing the progression of ATAC-seq signal normalization steps, comparing each cell type against an anchor cell type. The plots are automatically saved to the specified directory if provided.
- obj
List. A preprocessed ATAC-seq data object, output from
- anchor_cell_type
Character. The reference cell type to use for comparisons
- figures_dir
Character or NULL. Directory path where plots should be saved. If NULL, plots are not saved to disk. Directory will be created if it doesn't exist.
The function generates four visualization plots showing the progression of normalization:
Raw signal comparison ("1_cell_type_scatter_before_norm.png")
Log2-transformed raw signals after basic library size normalization
Regional normalization ("2_cell_type_scatter_region_norm.png")
Shows effects of local background correction
Constitutive peak normalization ("3_cell_type_scatter_const_norm.png")
Displays signals after normalizing using constitutive peaks
Includes probability threshold line if specified
Probability normalization ("4_cell_type_scatter_prob.png")
Shows final probability-scaled signals
Each plot compares all cell types against the anchor cell type, with points colored to distinguish constitutive from variable peaks.
File names are automatically generated using a numerical prefix to maintain proper ordering when viewing in a file explorer.
See also
for the underlying plotting function,
, normalize_const
for the normalization methods being visualized