Computes multiple QC plots and arranges into a figure with subpanels:
Number of guides passing blacklisting steps.
Guide GC content distribution. Blacklisted guides are highlighted in red.
Total on- and off-target score per valid (turquoise) and blacklisted (red) guides.
Predicted binding score distribution per number of mismatch to genomic complement.
Off-target frequency (right y-axis) by distance to nearest cis regulatory feature and conversion into Scis score (red dotted line, left y-axis).
On-target binding profile for valid guides (rows) along target loci (columns) (sampled for large matrices). Colors indicate predicted binding affinity.
Selection of guide representative (large dot) per cluster (colors). Black color represents group of blacklisted guides.
guideSet | guideSet containing combinations. |
list of ggplot objects.
, and export()
if (FALSE) { gs <- createGuideSet(Hsapiens, tes = te_annotation_df) gs <- addTargets(gs, targets = 'LTR13A') gs <- addGuides(gs, guide_length = 16) gs <- plotGuides(gs) }