Computes target guideRNA universe and maps, annotates, and scores their genomic targets.

addGuides(guideSet, guides = NULL, n_mismatches = 0,
  blacklist_penalty = 10, guide_length = 19, gc_content = c(0.4,
  0.8), min_Son = NULL, max_Soff = NULL, consensus_range = NULL,
  alpha = 100, n_clust = 11, five_prime_seq = NULL, PAM = "NGG",
  lower_count = 5, force = FALSE)



Character. Optional vector of pre-computed guideRNA sequences to map and annotate. Will restrict downstream analysis to guides rather than computing all possible guides de novo.


Integer from 0 through 3. Maximal number of tolerated mismatches when assessing guideRNA binding targets. Defaults to 0.


Single integer between 12 and 26. Basepair size of the guideRNAs. Defaults to 16.


Numeric vector of length two. Elements must be from 0 through 1. For example, c(0.4, 0.8) blacklists guides with GC content not between 40 and 80 percent. Passed to selGuides().


Numeric. Minimal on target score of guides. If NULL (the default), will estimate a value based on the on score distribution. Passed to selGuides().


Data.frame with repname, start, and end columns. Scores guideRNA target binding sites outside of provided consensus range neutrally. Passed to selGuides()


Numeric. Off-target score coefficient. Large alpha penalizes guides with high off-target score while alpha = 0 ignores off-targets and picks guides with highest on-target binding.


Single positive integer <= 20. Number of groups to cluster guideRNAs into. Higher n_clust usually gives better results but comes with a speed penalty when computing guide combinations. Passed to clustGuides().


Character. Sequence requirement for 5' start of guideRNAs, e.g. G nucleotide for transcription from U6 promoter.


Character. Currently only 'NGG' PAM is supported.


Numeric. Passed to jellyfish kmer counting. Only kmers occuring at least lower_count times are considered for bowtie mapping.


Logical. If TRUE, overwrite existing guides.


guideSet object containing targets.


Numeric. Off-target score multiplier (10 by default) for blacklisted genomic regions. Ignored if blacklisted(guideSet) is empty.


Numeric. Maximal off target score of guides. If NULL (the default), will estimate a value based on the off score distribution. Passed to selGuides().


Returns a guideSet object containing guides.

See also


if (FALSE) { gs <- createGuideSet(Hsapiens, tes = te_annotation_df) gs <- addTargets(gs, targets = 'LTR13') gs <- addGuides(gs, guide_length = 16, n_mismatches = 0, gc_content = c(0.25, 0.9), n_clust = 12) gs <- plotGuides(gs) }