Adds a blacklist flag to guides not fulfilling defined criteria

selGuides(guideSet, min_Son = NULL, max_Soff = NULL,
  consensus_range = NULL, gc_content = c(0.4, 0.8))



Numeric. Guides below min_Son are blacklisted. If NULL (the default), min_Son is calculated based on the target score distribution (75th percentile).


Numeric. Guides exceeding min_Son are blacklisted. If NULL (the default), max_Soff is calculated based on the off-target score distribution (99.9th percentile).


Data.frame with repname, start, and end columns. Scores guideRNA target binding sites outside of provided consensus range neutrally.


Numeric vector of length two. Elements must be from 0 through 1. For example, c(0.4, 0.8) blacklists guides with GC content not between 40 and 80 percent


if (FALSE) { gs <- createGuideSet(Hsapiens, tes = te_annotation_df) gs <- addTargets(gs, targets = 'LTR13') gs <- addGuides(gs, guide_length = 16, n_mismatches = 0, gc_content = c(0.25, 0.9), n_clust = 12) gs <- selGuides(gs, min_Son = 100, gc_content = c(0.1, 0.3)) gs <- plotGuides(gs) }