2 Import scRNA-seq plates
## Attaching package: 'dplyr'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
## filter, lag
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
## intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
## initializing scdb to scrna_db/
2.0.1 Import Tet TKO chimera plates into metacell
This notebook requires that the UMI tables for each plate are available in the folder data/umi.tables . If they are not available, please run the cell below to download the necessary data
# If you need to download the umi tables, please run the two lines below
if (0) {
mat_nm <- "tko_chim"
metadata <- read.csv(file = "data/plate_metadata.csv", stringsAsFactors = F)
genotype <- "TKO"
treatment <- c("Chimera assay")
metadata <- metadata[metadata$treatment %in% treatment, ]
metadata <- metadata[grep(pattern = genotype, x = metadata$genotype), ]
# remove additionally the plate 190730_P03. No embryo and facs data available. Only relevant for TKO Chimera
metadata <- metadata[metadata$plate != "190730_P03", ]
import_plates(mat_nm = mat_nm, metadata = metadata)
## will read 190303_P02
## will read 190318_P01
## will read 190318_P02
## will read 190318_P03
## will read 190318_P04
## will read 190318_P05
## will read 190318_P06
## will read 190318_P07
## will read 190318_P09
## will read 190318_P11
## will read 190318_P12
## will read 190322_P01
## will read 190322_P02
## will read 190322_P04
## will read 190325_P01
## will read 190325_P02
## will read 190325_P03
## will read 190325_P04
## will read 190325_P05
## will read 190325_P07
## will read 190325_P08
## will read 190730_P01
## will read 190730_P02
## will read 190730_P04
## will read 190730_P05
## will read 190730_P06
## will read 190730_P07
## will read 190730_P08
## will read 190730_P09
## will read 190730_P10
## will read 190730_P11
## will read 190806_P04
## will read 190806_P05
## will read 190806_P06
## will read 20190806_P01
## will read 20190806_P02
## will read 20190806_P03
## will read 20190806_P07
## will read 20190806_P08
## will read 20190806_P09
## will read 1106TKO29_01
## will read 1106TKO29_02
## will read 1106TKO29_03
## will read 1106TKO29_04
## will read 1106TKO29_05
## will read 1106TKO29_06
## will read 1106TKO29_07
## will read 1106TKO29_08
## will read 1106TKO29_09
## will read 1106TKO29_10
## will read 1106TKO29_11
## will read 1106TKO29_12
## will read 1106TKO29_13
## will read 1106TKO29_14
## will read 1106TKO29_15
## will read 191108_P01
## will read 191108_P02
## will read 191108_P03
## will read 191108_P04
## will read 191108_P05
## will read 191108_P06
## will read 191108_P07
## will read 191108_P08
## will read 20200106_TKO26_P01_NOVA
## will read 20200106_TKO26_P02_NOVA
## will read 20200106_TKO26_P03_NOVA
## will read 20200106_TKO26_P04_NOVA
## will read 20200106_TKO26_P05_NOVA
## will read TKO26_13_P01
## will read TKO26_13_P02
## will read TKO26_13_P03
## will read TKO26_13_P04
## will read TKO26_13_P05
## will read TKO26_13_P06
## will read TKO26_13_P07
## will read TKO26_13_P08
## will read TKO26_13_P09
## will read TKO26_13_P10
## will read TKO26_13_P11
## will read TKO26_13_P12
## will read TKO26_13_P15
## will read TetTKO23_P01
## will read TetTKO23_P02
## will read TetTKO23_P03
## will read TetTKO23_P04
## will read TetTKO23_P05
## will read TetTKO23_P06
## will read TetTKO23_P07
## will read TetTKO23_P08
## will read TKO23_P01
## will read TKO23_P02
## will read TKO23_P04
## will read TKO23_P05
## will read TKO23_P06
## [1] TRUE
2.0.2 Import Tet TKO tetraploid-complemented embryos
mat_nm <- "tko_tetra"
metadata <- read.csv(file = "data/plate_metadata.csv", stringsAsFactors = F)
genotype <- "TKO"
treatment <- c("Tetraploid complementation assay")
metadata <- metadata[metadata$treatment %in% treatment, ]
metadata <- metadata[grep(pattern = genotype, x = metadata$genotype), ]
import_plates(mat_nm = mat_nm, metadata = metadata)
## will read TKO26_tetra_191111_P01_NOVAseq
## will read TKO26_tetra_191111_P02
## will read TKO26_tetra_191111_P03
## will read TKO26_tetra_191111_P04
## will read 191125_P01_NOVA
## will read 191125_P02
## will read 191125_P03
## will read 191125_P04
## will read 4N_P01
## will read 4N_P06
## will read 4N26_01
## will read 4N26_02
## will read 4N26_03
## will read 4N26_04
## will read 4N26_05
## will read 4N26_06
## will read 4N26_07
## will read 4N26_08
## will read 4N_P07
## will read 190819_P01
## will read 190819_P02
## will read 190819_P03
## will read 190819_P04
## will read 190916_P07
## will read 190916_P08
## will read 190916_P09
## will read 4N_P04
## will read 4N_P05
## will read 4N_P08
## will read 4N_P10
## will read 4N_P11
## will read 4N_P12
## will read 4N_P13
## will read 4N_P14
## will read 4N29_01
## will read 4N29_02
## will read 4N29_03
## will read 4N29_04
## will read 4N29_05
## will read 4N29_06
## will read 4N29_07
## will read 4N29_08
## will read 4N29_09
## will read 4N29_10
## will read 4N29_11
## will read 4N29_12
## will read 4N29_13
## will read 4N29_14
## [1] TRUE
# There are four mixed plates containing both tetraploid-complemented control and Tet TKO embryos
# We additionally ignore the cells from control embryos
mat <- scdb_mat("tko_tetra")
ctrl_cells <- mat@cell_metadata$cell[grep(pattern = "Ctrl", x = mat@cell_metadata$embryo)]
mat <- scm_ignore_cells(scmat = mat, ig_cells = union(mat@ignore_cells, ctrl_cells))
scdb_add_mat(id = "tko_tetra", mat = mat)
2.0.3 Import Control tetraploid-complemented embryos
mat_nm <- "control_tetra"
metadata <- read.csv(file = "data/plate_metadata.csv", stringsAsFactors = F)
genotype <- "Control"
treatment <- c("Tetraploid complementation assay")
metadata <- metadata[metadata$treatment %in% treatment, ]
metadata <- metadata[grep(pattern = genotype, x = metadata$genotype), ]
import_plates(mat_nm = mat_nm, metadata = metadata)
## will read 191125_P04
## will read 190819_P01
## will read 190916_P07
## will read 190916_P09
## will read 190916_P01
## will read 190916_P02
## will read 190916_P03
## will read 190916_P04
## will read 190916_P05
## will read 190916_P06
## will read 0217_P01
## will read 0217_P02
## will read 0217_P03
## will read 0217_P04
## will read 0217_P05
## will read 191125_P05
## will read 191125_P06_NOVA
## will read 191125_P07
## [1] TRUE
# There are four mixed plates containing both tetraploid-complemented control and Tet TKO embryos
# We additionally ignore the cells from TKO embryos
mat <- scdb_mat("control_tetra")
tko_cells <- mat@cell_metadata$cell[grep(pattern = "TKO", x = mat@cell_metadata$embryo)]
## [1] 809
2.0.4 Import Tet 1/2 DKO chimera embryos
mat_nm <- "dko12_chim"
metadata <- read.csv(file = "data/plate_metadata.csv", stringsAsFactors = F)
genotype <- "Tet1/2 DKO"
treatment <- c("Chimera assay")
metadata <- metadata[metadata$treatment %in% treatment, ]
metadata <- metadata[grep(pattern = genotype, x = metadata$genotype), ]
import_plates(mat_nm = mat_nm, metadata = metadata)
## will read Tet12_0228_P01
## will read Tet12_0228_P02
## will read Tet12_0228_P03
## will read Tet12_0228_P04
## will read Tet12_0228_P05
## will read Tet12_0228_P06
## will read Tet12_0228_P07
## will read Tet12_0228_P08
## will read Tet12_0228_P09
## will read Tet12_0228_P10
## will read Tet12_0303_P01
## will read Tet12_0303_P02
## will read Tet12_0303_P03
## will read Tet12_0303_P04
## will read Tet12_1_0616
## will read Tet12_2_0616
## will read Tet12DKO_10
## will read Tet12DKO_11
## will read Tet12DKO_12
## will read Tet12DKO_13
## will read Tet12DKO_14
## will read Tet12DKO_15
## will read Tet12DKO_7
## will read Tet12DKO_8
## will read Tet12DKO_9
## [1] TRUE
2.0.5 Import Tet 1/3 DKO chimera embryos
mat_nm <- "dko13_chim"
metadata <- read.csv(file = "data/plate_metadata.csv", stringsAsFactors = F)
genotype <- "Tet1/3 DKO"
treatment <- c("Chimera assay")
metadata <- metadata[metadata$treatment %in% treatment, ]
metadata <- metadata[grep(pattern = genotype, x = metadata$genotype), ]
import_plates(mat_nm = mat_nm, metadata = metadata)
## will read mTet13_P01
## will read mTet13_P03
## will read mTet13_P07
## will read mTet13_P08
## will read Tet13_0309_P02
## will read Tet13_0309_P03
## will read Tet13_0309_P04
## will read Tet13_0309_P05
## will read Tet13_2_0613
## will read Tet13_DKO_3
## will read Tet13_DKO_4
## will read Tet13_P05
## will read Tet13_P06
## [1] TRUE
2.0.6 Import Tet 2/3 DKO chimera embryos
mat_nm <- "dko23_chim"
metadata <- read.csv(file = "data/plate_metadata.csv", stringsAsFactors = F)
genotype <- "Tet2/3 DKO"
treatment <- c("Chimera assay")
metadata <- metadata[metadata$treatment %in% treatment, ]
metadata <- metadata[grep(pattern = genotype, x = metadata$genotype), ]
import_plates(mat_nm = mat_nm, metadata = metadata)
## will read Tet23_0303_P01
## will read Tet23_0303_P02
## will read Tet23_0303_P03
## will read Tet23_1
## will read Tet23_2
## will read Tet23_4
## will read Tet23_5
## will read Tet23_7
## will read Tet23_8
## will read Tet23_DKO_1_0616
## will read Tet23_DKO_2_0616
## will read Tet23DKO_3_0616
## will read Tet23DKO_4_0616
## [1] TRUE
2.0.7 Import AAV-Cre delivered whole-embryo TKOs
mat_nm <- "tko_germline"
metadata <- read.csv(file = "data/plate_metadata.csv", stringsAsFactors = F)
genotype <- "TKO"
treatment <- c("AAV Cre-delivered Tet1/2/3 triple KO")
metadata <- metadata[metadata$treatment %in% treatment, ]
metadata <- metadata[grep(pattern = genotype, x = metadata$genotype), ]
import_plates(mat_nm = mat_nm, metadata = metadata)
## will read TetAAV_P01
## will read TetAAV_P07
## will read TetAAV_P08
## will read TetAAV_P10
## will read TetAAV_P11
## will read TetAAV_P12
## will read TetAAV_P16
## will read TetAAV_P18
## will read TetAAV_P13_2
## will read TetAAV_P19_2
## [1] TRUE