Computes multiple QC plots and arranges into a figure with subpanels:
Genomic copy-number vs average size (in kbs) of selected (red) vs all other families in guideSet.
Genomic copy-number of selected families on autosomes and sex chromosomes (other refers to alternative chromosome assemblies).
Size distribution of selected families.
Multiple sequence alignment of selected families. Rows represent individual loci and columns position on the alignment.
CpG density along the consensus model. Positions are identical to (d).
Position on the consensus model (as in e) of putative cis regulatory features.
guideSet | guideSet containing combinations. |
list of ggplot objects.
, and export()
if (FALSE) { gs <- createGuideSet(Hsapiens, tes = te_annotation_df) gs <- addTargets(gs, targets = 'LTR13A') gs <- addGuides(gs, guide_length = 16) gs <- plotGuides(gs) }