9 QC - bulk methylation

9.0.1 initialize definitions


9.1 Probe design

9.2 Breakdown of probes

Get capture regions:

regions <- "intervs.captPBAT_probes.ES_EB_V1"
regs_df <- gintervals.load(regions) %>% as_tibble()

Get capture probes:

probes <- fread(here("data/probes_V1.csv"))
probes_span <- probes %>% select(chrom, start, end, probe_id=id) %>% gintervals.centers() %>% mutate(start = start - 150, end = end + 150)

Get enhancer definitions:

enh_intervs <- define_enhancer_intervs() %cache_df% here("output/enh_intervs.csv") %>% as_tibble()

Get promoter definitions:

prom_intervs <- misha.ext::get_promoters(upstream = 1e3, downstream=50) %>% as_tibble()

Annotate regions:

probes_annot <- probes_span %>% 
    gintervals.neighbors1(prom_intervs) %>% 
    mutate(dist_prom = dist) %>% 
    select(-(chrom1:dist)) %>% 
    gintervals.neighbors1(enh_intervs) %>% 
    mutate(dist_enh = dist) %>% 
    select(-(chrom1:dist)) %>% 
    mutate(type = case_when(dist_prom == 0 ~ "Promoter", dist_enh == 0 ~ "Enhancer", TRUE ~ "Background"))

9.2.1 Extended Data Figure 8B

p <- probes_annot %>% count(type) %>% mutate(type = factor(type, levels = c("Promoter", "Enhancer", "Background"))) %>% ggplot(aes(x=type, y=n)) + geom_col() + scale_y_continuous(labels=scales::comma) + xlab("") + ylab("# of probes") + theme(aspect.ratio=1) + vertical_labs()

9.3 WGBS E8.5

9.3.1 Coverage

wgbs_track <- "e8_5"
wgbs_df <- gextract(c(glue("{wgbs_track}.cov"), glue("{wgbs_track}.meth")), intervals="intervs.global.seq_CG", iterator = "intervs.global.seq_CG", colnames = c("cov", "meth")) %>% arrange(intervalID) %>% select(-intervalID) %>% as_tibble()
wgbs_df <- wgbs_df %>% mutate(cov = ifelse(is.na(cov), 0, cov), meth = ifelse(is.na(meth), 0, meth))
wgbs_cov_counts <- wgbs_df %>% count(cov)
med_cov <- median(wgbs_df$cov)


9.3.2 Extended Data Figure 8A

p <- wgbs_cov_counts %>% 
    filter(cov > 0) %>% 
    mutate(cum = rev(cumsum(rev(n)))) %>% 
    ggplot(aes(x=cov, y=cum)) + 
        geom_line() + 
        scale_x_log10(breaks=c(1,2.5,5,10, med_cov, 50, 100, 1e3), labels = c(1,'', 5,10,med_cov,'', 100,1000)) + 
        coord_cartesian(xlim=c(1,1e3)) + 
        scale_y_continuous(labels=scales::scientific) + 
        ylab("# of CpGs") + 
        xlab("E8.5 WGBS CpG coverage") + 
        geom_vline(xintercept=med_cov, linetype="dashed", color="darkblue") + 

9.3.3 Methylation distribution on-target vs off-target

9.3.4 Extended Data Figure 8C

wgbs_df_annot <- wgbs_df %>% 
    filter(cov >= 20) %>% 
    gintervals.neighbors1("intervs.captPBAT_probes.ES_EB_V1") %>% 
    mutate(type = ifelse(is.na(dist) | dist == 0, "Designed", "Other")) %>% 
p <- wgbs_df_annot %>% 
    mutate(type = factor(type, levels = c("Other", "Designed"))) %>% 
    arrange(desc(type)) %>% 
    mutate(avg = meth / cov) %>% 
    ggplot(aes(x=avg, fill=type)) + 
        geom_density(alpha=0.5) + 
        scale_fill_manual("", values=c("Designed" = "red", "Other" = "gray")) + 
        theme(aspect.ratio=1) + 
        xlab("E8.5 Avg. Meth.") + 

9.4 Distribution of coverage per condition

Get CpGs participating in the model generation:

The criterion is coverage >= 10 in at least 5 samples.

cpg_meth <- calc_eb_cpg_meth(from = 0, to = 6, min_cov = 10, max_na = 5, intervals = gintervals.union("intervs.captPBAT_probes.ES_EB_V1", "intervs.captPBAT_probes.ES_EB_V2"), iterator = "intervs.global.seq_CG", cache_fn = here("output/eb_day0_to_day6_cpg_meth_all.tsv"), rm_meth_cov = FALSE)
cpg_cov <- cpg_meth %>% select(chrom, start, end, ends_with("cov"))
colnames(cpg_cov) <- gsub(".cov$", "", colnames(cpg_cov))
colnames(cpg_cov) <- gsub("_tko", "_TKO", colnames(cpg_cov))
colnames(cpg_cov) <- gsub("d0S_", "S_", colnames(cpg_cov))
samp_levels <- c("d0_3a", "d1_3a", "d2_3a", "d3_3a", "d4_3a", "d0_3b",
"d1_3b", "d2_3b", "d3_3b", "d4_3b", "d0_wt", "d1_wt",
"d2_wt", "d3_wt", "d4_wt", "d0_TKO", "d1_TKO", "d2_TKO",
"d3_TKO", "d4_TKO", "S_3a", "S_3b", "S_wt", "S_TKO")
mut_levels <- c("3a", "3b", "wt", "TKO")
samp_levels_all <- c("d0_3a", "d1_3a", "d2_3a", "d3_3a", "d4_3a", "d5_3a", "d6_3a", "d0_3b",
"d1_3b", "d2_3b", "d3_3b", "d4_3b", "d5_3b", "d6_3b", "d0_wt", "d1_wt",
"d2_wt", "d3_wt", "d4_wt", "d5_wt", "d6_wt", "d0_TKO", "d1_TKO", "d2_TKO",
"d3_TKO", "d4_TKO", "S_3a", "S_3b", "S_wt", "S_TKO")#, "N15_d4_3a", "N15_d5_3a", "N15_d4_3b", "N15_d5_3b", "N15_d4_wt", "N15_d5_wt")
mut_levels_all <- c("3a", "3b", "wt", "TKO")
covs_df <- cpg_cov %>% 
    gather("samp_id", "cov", -(chrom:end)) %>% 
    mutate(samp_id = factor(samp_id, levels = samp_levels_all)) %>% 
    filter(!is.na(samp_id)) %>% 
    separate(samp_id, c("day", "mut"), sep="_", remove=FALSE) %>% 
    mutate(mut = factor(mut, levels = mut_levels_all)) %cache_df% here("output/cpg_cov_capt_all.tsv")
covs_df %>% distinct(chrom, start, end) %>% nrow()
## [1] 29243

Plot coverage distribution:

9.4.1 Extended Data Figure 8D

options(repr.plot.width = 12, repr.plot.height = 8)
p <- covs_df %>%         
    ggplot(aes(x=samp_id, y=cov, fill=mut)) + 
        geom_boxplot(outlier.shape=NA) + 
        vertical_labs() + 
        ggsci::scale_fill_npg(name='') + 
        theme(aspect.ratio=0.4) + 
        scale_y_log2(breaks = c(4, 10, 20, 50, 100, 256), limits=c(1,300)) + 
        ylab("CpG coverage\n(on target)") + 
p + theme_bw() + vertical_labs() + theme(aspect.ratio=0.4) 
## Warning: Transformation introduced infinite values in continuous y-axis
## Warning: Removed 8641 rows containing non-finite values (stat_boxplot).

9.5 Distribution of non-CpGs methylation per condition

9.5.1 Extended Data Figure 8H

p <- track_stats %>%     
    filter(samp_id %in% samp_levels_all) %>% 
    mutate(mut = factor(mut, levels = mut_levels_all), 
           samp_id = factor(samp_id, levels=samp_levels_all)) %>%     
    group_by(samp_id, mut) %>% 
    summarise(CHH = mean(CHH, na.rm=TRUE)) %>% 
    ggplot(aes(x=samp_id, y=CHH, fill=mut)) + 
    geom_col() + 
    ggsci::scale_fill_npg(name='') + 
    vertical_labs() + 
    xlab('') + 
    ylab('%CHH') + 
    scale_y_continuous(labels=scales::percent) + 
p + theme_bw() + vertical_labs() + theme(aspect.ratio=0.4) 

9.6 “On target” statistics

ontar_stats <- calc_on_target_stats() %cache_df% here("data/on_target_stats.csv") %>% as_tibble()
df <- ontar_stats %>% 
    left_join(tracks_key %>% select(track = track_name, capture)) %>% 
    mutate(n_offtar = n - n_ontar) %>% 
    pivot_longer(cols=c("n_ontar", "n_offtar"), names_to="type", values_to="num") %>% 
    mutate(type = case_when(type == "n_ontar" ~ "on target", type == "n_offtar" ~ "off target")) %>%
    filter(samp_id %in% samp_levels_all) %>% 
    mutate(mut = factor(mut, levels = mut_levels_all), samp_id = factor(samp_id, levels=samp_levels_all)) %>% 
    group_by(samp_id, mut, day, type) %>% 
    summarise(num = sum(num, na.rm=TRUE) + 1)
## Joining, by = "track"

9.6.1 Extended Data Figure 8E

p_0_4 <- df %>%        
    filter(!(day %in% c("d5", "d6"))) %>%    
    ggplot(aes(x=samp_id, y=num, fill=type)) + 
        geom_col() + 
        scale_fill_manual(name="", values=c("on target" = "darkblue", "off target" = "darkgray")) + 
        vertical_labs() + 
        scale_y_continuous(labels=scales::scientific) +         
        xlab('') + 
        ylab('# of methylation calls') +         
p_0_4 + theme_bw() + vertical_labs() + theme(aspect.ratio=0.4)

p_5_6 <- df %>%        
    filter(day %in% c("d5", "d6")) %>%    
    ggplot(aes(x=samp_id, y=num, fill=type)) + 
        geom_col() + 
        scale_fill_manual(name="", values=c("on target" = "darkblue", "off target" = "darkgray")) + 
        vertical_labs() + 
        scale_y_continuous(labels=scales::scientific) +         
        xlab('') + 
        ylab('# of methylation calls')        
p_5_6 + theme_bw() + vertical_labs() + theme(aspect.ratio=0.4)

Note that we calculate the “on target” based only on mapped reads that had at least one CpG.

9.7 Global methylation trend

Global methylation is calculated based on CpGs that are not:

  • promoters
  • putative enhancers
  • part of a capture region (“on target”)

9.7.1 Extended Data Figure 8G

gmeth <- calc_global_meth() %cache_df% 
    here("output/global_meth.csv") %>%
    mutate(breaks = forcats::fct_recode(breaks, "2%-3%" = "(0.02,0.03]", "1%-2%" = "[0.01,0.02]", "8%-15%" = "(0.08,0.15]", "0%-3%" = "[0,0.03]")) %>% 
    filter(cg_num >= 1e4)
gmeth <- gmeth %>% 
    select(-cg_num) %>% 
    spread(breaks, meth) %>% 
    filter(samp_id %in% samp_levels_all) %>% 
    mutate(mut = factor(mut, levels = mut_levels_all), samp_id = factor(samp_id, levels=samp_levels_all))
p <- gmeth %>% 
    group_by(samp_id, mut) %>% 
    summarise(`0%-3%` = mean(`0%-3%`, na.rm=TRUE)) %>%     
    ggplot(aes(x=samp_id, y=`0%-3%`, fill=mut)) + geom_col() + ggsci::scale_fill_npg(name='') + vertical_labs()  + xlab('') + ylab('Avg. meth in low CpG content') + theme(aspect.ratio=0.4)

Avg. meth in high CpG content:

p <- gmeth %>%
    group_by(samp_id, mut) %>% 
    summarise(`8%-15%` = mean(`8%-15%`, na.rm=TRUE)) %>%   
    ggplot(aes(x=samp_id, y=`8%-15%`, fill=mut)) + geom_col() + ggsci::scale_fill_npg(name='') + vertical_labs()  + xlab('') + ylab('Avg. meth in high CpG content') + theme(aspect.ratio=0.4)