Utility plot function to compare two genes based on mc_fp
cex = 2,
text_cex = 0.5,
mc_colors = NULL,
fig_fn = NULL,
cell_md = NULL,
md_mode = "filter",
use_egc = F,
main = NULL,
cex.main = 1,
xlim = NULL,
ylim = NULL,
add_grid = F,
e_gc_eps = 0.00001,
mc_filt = NULL,
md = NULL,
md_regexp = NULL,
md_field = NULL
metacell id in scdb
gene name
gene name
point size
text size (default 0.5)
coloring vector per MC, default is NULL in which case we use the MC colors
file name for the figure (optional - default is current device)
a factor/logical vector defining which cells are in the focus. If this is unspecified all cells/metacells will be included
one of "filter", "highlight"
plot log of absolute expression instead of the log of relative expression (normalized to the median over all MCs)
potential facator filtering metacell ids (default NULL)
metadata to use for highlighting/filtering
regular expression to filter/highlight metadata
metadata field to use