plot a marker heat map give a metacell object
mat_id = mc_id,
fig_fn = NULL,
lateral_gset_id = NULL,
mc_ord = NULL,
plot_cells = T,
zero_median = T,
add_genes = NULL,
add_metadata = NULL,
ext_metadata = NULL,
md_level_colors = NULL,
focus_mcs = NULL,
gene_list = NULL,
reorder_marks = F,
fold_burn = 3
id of metacell object ina scdb
markers to plot (e.g. using mcell_gset_from_mc_markers)
matrix object to us (default is the mc_id - assuming they use the same ID), if some cells in mc@mc are missing from the matrix, the function will generate an error
file name for the figure (if null it will be call heat_marks in the fig directory)
markers to plot on top (e.g. cell cycle)
by defulat this is TRUE and data is shown for single cells. If this is false, than metacells fold change values will be plotted
if this is true then for each gene, all values below the median will be plotted as "0". It can save some noise but will make genes that are anit-enriched in some MC non visible.
A list of marker genes to be added manually
name of metadata field to add below hte heat map
values of metadata per cell to add (a anamed vector, with some or all of the cell names specified)
what colors to use for the metadata levels, if present
option list of MC IDs in case only some of the model should be plotted
a list of gene names to replcace the markers from a gset_id