This will take each cell in the query object and find its to correlated metacell in the reference, then generating figures showing detailed comparison of how each metacell in the query is distributed in the atlas, and how the pool of all cells in the query MC compare to the pool of their best match projections
ten2mars = T,
gene_name_map = NULL,
recolor_mc_id = NULL,
plot_all_mcs = F,
md_field = NULL,
max_entropy = 2,
burn_cor = 0.6
id of metacell object ina scdb
id of metacell object ina scdb
an object generated by mcell_gen_atlas
name of directory to put figures per MC
should gene mapping be attmpeted using standard MARS-seq to 10x naming convetnion
if this is dedining a named vector query_name[ref_name], then the name conversion between the query and reference will be determined using it
if this is specified, the atlas colors will be projected on the query MCCs and updated to the scdb object named recolor_mc
metadata field too use as additional factor for plotting subsets
set this to T if you want a plot per metacell to show comparison of query pooled umi's and projected pooled umis.